Originally, Paulette named this design Cotswold Christmas, but then realized the sheep looks nothing like the Cotswold breed, so changed the name. However, 1831 is the year that Cotswolds were introduced to the US.
Stitch Count: 81w x 67h
Linen used: 36 ct. Vintage Meadow Rue
Threads used: The Gentle Art in Woodrose, Old Red Paint (more of a brown dye lot, rather than pink, if possible), Toasted Barley, Shaker White, Linen, Endive, Wood Trail, Wheat Fields, and Oatmeal.
A conversion to DMC is provided.
Trim used: Mini pompom trim by Lady Dot Creates
Stitches used in this design are cross stitch over two threads and some backstitching at the centers of the poinsettias.